Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Finally, Chaos

Today these things all happened at once, in the following order. Apparently the chaos that happens when you have two kids has finally arrived.

Rex, who is now eating solid food, spit his rice cereal all over me and began to scream.

The doorbell rang.

I tripped over the dog.

Rex dangling from one arm, I answered the door.  It was the lady who was buying something I posted on Craigslist, but she forgot cash. I sent her to the ATM at the corner. What is it about 'cash only' that makes people only bring checks?

Next, Sanchi licked up two Advil that he found on the floor. I was able to get them out of his mouth. (I was briefly tempted to transfer them right into my mouth, as I was developing a massive headache from everything that was going on.)

As I was tossing the Advil in the trash, Veronica swiped an open bag of flour off the counter and began to dance around the kitchen with it.

The doorbell rang again. 

The Craigslist lady was back, asking if I would please help her out to her car because she couldn't carry everything. Apparently she did not notice I was carrying an enormous screaming baby covered in flour. What a dipshit.

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