Thursday, October 8, 2009


Rex is rolling all over the place.  This would not be a problem, and would even be kind of cute, if it weren't for the fact that he is too excited to nap anymore.  He's too busy rolling.  So he's really tired a) because he's not napping and b) because he's burning up too many calories doing baby calisthenics.  He's Rexercising.  

I'm tired.  If Rex doesn't nap, then obviously I don't nap.  If I could just put him in his crib and he could quietly roll around it would be one thing; I could pretend he was asleep, put in my earplugs and go get some shuteye downstairs.  But now that he's rolling, he's about as quiet as construction workers in Manhattan.  He yells, grunts, farts and even whistles, just like they do. If Rex happens to roll onto his back, sometimes he'll get stuck that way, stranded like a turtle. I'm not sure why he doesn't just flip back over onto his tummy, because I've seen him do it a dozen times on the floor.  Something about being on his back in his crib must render him temporarily powerless.  And god forbid he should simply fall asleep on his back.   He just won't do it; never has.  So then it's up to me to go back in with my baby spatula and turn him over, otherwise the construction noises start up again.  This time with more hollering.  No sleep for Mama.  I never sleep when I'm in New York City, either.

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