Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Baby Catnip

It is around 3 am, and Rex is rolling around on his changing table like a kitten in catnip.  I don't know what it is about his changing table that makes him so crazy happy.  Day or night, it doesn't matter.  It's almost to the point where I don't want to change him on the table at night because it will rile him up, but I don't want to get poop on the bed or the crib.  One of these days he'll stop pooping at night.  Right?

So I'm trying to change him, and I discover that I really, really want a diet Coke, with ice. Yum.  Strange middle-of-the-night craving, especially when I'm not even thirsty.  When I was pregnant with Veronica I ate bananas in the middle of the night, and with Rex, bowls of cereal.  Since we are absolutely not having any more children, maybe the diet Coke thing is nature's way of saying I can stop being so nutritious and live a little - go ahead and toss back a nice artificially-flavored, tooth-staining caffeinated beverage.  

Since I have no diet Coke, I think about how healthy I've been while pregnant with and nursing children.  I've really been an ascetic, a nutritional saint, and I'm looking forward to the day Rex is weaned so I can go hog wild.  As I said, there will be no more pitter-patter of little feet around our house after Rex, and I'm anticipating my diet will go totally to shit.  I feel like I've earned it.  So the trick now will be to make sure I don't get pregnant again, and since I seem to get knocked up the minute I smell cupcakes or look at a wall calendar of cuddly kittens, we'll be taking drastic measures.

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