Wednesday, September 9, 2009

He's a Yankee Doodle Boy

Last night Rex slapped me in the face.  I am not kidding.  

I'm used to this kind of behavior from Veronica, but since Rex is only three months old I was a little surprised.  Of course, it was an accident, but still.  There we were, getting all cozy in our chair, and SMACK!   Open-handed left hook to the cheek, expertly delivered.  I swear he wound up for it.  His hands have been mostly tightly clenched fists since birth, limited to flailing in the air and sticking in his mouth. I am taking this new developmental milestone, the 'baby bitch-slap', as a sign that he is growing up.

As further proof, this morning he used his new skill to yank at his boy bits, what Veronica refers to as his 'doodle and bag' (as in, "Mama, what's that bag thingy down there for?")  Apparently this new discovery thrilled him, because he got a huge smile on his face.  I haven't told my husband yet, but I'm sure he will be proud.  

And so it begins.  

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