Sunday, September 6, 2009

The best little whorehouse in NOPA

There is a vacant storefront a block from our house, and I've decided I'm going to open a whorehouse.  Not the old-fashioned kind; there will be no whores working at my whorehouse.  I'm not the Madame type, and anyway, I really can't be managing prostitutes in my spare time.  Not my cup of tea.

The vacant space has three small rooms inside it, and that's what gave me the idea of calling it a whorehouse.  The similarities end there.  My business will really be a posh spa for mothers who need a place to crash for an hour or two, without distraction or interruption.  I can't tell you how many mothers I know who can't stay home when they have a sitter, because their kids will still be jumping all over them.  It's a major dilemma.

Each room in my whorehouse will have a comfy feather bed, a claw-foot bathtub and chocolate on demand.  No cell phones allowed. No men, either.  

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